The Power of Crop Rotation in Sunflower Harvesting: A Sustainable Approach to Farming

In the pursuit of a thriving agricultural ecosystem, farmers must be mindful of the impact of consecutive planting on crop yield and soil fertility. Analyzing the satellite images of one of our farmers who grew sunflowers for two consecutive years, we noticed a significant decrease in the land’s performance. The key to overcoming this challenge […]
Farm Facts About Potato

The potato is the fourth most important and crucial non-cereal crop, only after rice, corn, and wheat, which makes the world’s main food supply. The water content of the starchy vegetable is estimated to be around 80%, and a long, cool season is the optimal situation for its growth. Native potatoes (most of which are […]
Drought in Canadian Farms

Nothing grows without water, and that is just the fact of life. It is 2022; The world is depending on Canada, the world’s breadbasket, to increase the wheat and canola crops this year in order to reduce food inflation brought on by the Russia-Ukraine war. However, Canadian farmers may experience another drought this year. Over […]
The Name Origin & Other Facts about Canola

Canola is a type of rapeseed that was developed in Canada in the 1970s through plant breeding. Canola plants may grow to be two to six feet tall and produce beautiful yellow blossoms. Each blossom develops a pod that contains canola seeds. These seeds are used to produce the popular canola cooking oil and canola meal, […]
How did we get to modern agriculture?

What is now known as modern agriculture was extraordinarily effective in supplying the world’s expanding population with food throughout the second part of the twentieth century. Primary crop yields, such as those of rice and wheat, grew considerably, food prices dropped, crop yield increases typically kept up with population expansion, and the segment of the population who […]
A Brief History of Farming

Farming is a huge industry, a great contributor to economy and a way of life for many around the globe. It is true that this career faces many challenges today. Climate change, soil erosion & water scarcity have affected the way that both massive agricultural enterprises and small organic farmers used to run their business. Agriculture […]
How to Grow the Best Corn?

Corn is one of the most adaptable commodities on the market. It is the most important feed grain in the United States, accounting for more than 95 percent of production and use in animal husbandry. Over 32,300 farmers in Canada reported growing 1.63 million hectares of corn (corn for grain, corn for silage, and sweet […]
An Ecological Approach to Weeds & Weed Control

Weeds are widely regarded as the most expensive factor to fight against in agriculture. Weeds cause more damage to agricultural fields than insect pests, rodents, birds, plant pathogens, and root-feeding nematodes combined, costing farmers and crops alike. Since many countries’ organic agriculture principles and rules prohibit the use of most herbicides, many organic farmers consider the […]
Crop Types Based on Their Purposes

More than one billion people around the world make their living through agriculture and livestock husbandry, which has made the agricultural industry worth $ 2.4 trillion in the global economy. In 2018, agriculture contributed 4% to the world’s gross domestic product (GDP), while it contributed more than 25% in some developing nations. Innovations in plant […]
6 Facts about Wheat and Corn

Can you imagine a world without bread, biscuits, muffins and cakes, donuts, pasta or crispy snacks? It is almost impossible! Preparing all these foods, as well as other materials like some cooking oils, syrups, lotions, and even providing an important portion of the grain and fodder that feeds livestock and poultry, requires planting and harvesting […]