Monitoring fields and surveying crop conditions via the naked eye are challenging for farmers, especially who are managing large-scale fields. It is hard to find the exact point of crop damage by walking through fields or flying a drone and even by taking look at satellite imagery since not every farmer is an interpreter of various vegetation indices taken from satellite images.

Even when farmers find crop-damaged areas, some can not detect the type of damage or stress precisely or it is too late to treat crops.


As an example, in a 7 hectare- common bean field, the late detection of two-spotted spider mites’ attack caused a significant reduction in crop yield by about 1 tonne in fresh plants, the reason was that when the farmer could not detect damage at the right time, the severe outbreak of mites made plants too vulnerable to any other pests and diseases and he faced mite attack as well as bacterial blight in the field.



Early crop stress detection 


Early detection of crop stress (biotic and abiotic) is a must-do for every farmer since each day that finding the field issue is delayed means a loss in money and crop. 5- 8% of production cost allocates to the protection of plants, and if we can not control crops at the start point, this percentage will remarkably increase, and preventing crop protection will result in a 53–68% loss in crop yield.  Therefore, it became extremely critical to use novel technologies to reduce financial risk and ensure better growth and yields of all crops.


Cropinno has been continuously monitoring farmers’ challenges and focusing on providing innovative technologies to make farming smarter, more convenient, and more sustainable for farmers and address their issues. By combination of satellite imagery, AI, and innovative algorithms as well as agricultural experts we could solve the most common farmers’ problem in finding the stress spots before making damage to crops.


Cropinno stress detection alert helps farmers detect the exact stress spots at the start point. This smart crop alert navigates you to find biotic (pest, disease, weed) and abiotic stress (water and nutrient deficiency) in your fields and take action before any crop loss.


How to take benefit from Cropinno stress detection alert


Many factors influence the growth and development of crops including nutrient deficiency, insufficient or excessive irrigation, pest damage, and diseases. If you could be informed about the incidence of these factors in your fields at the right time,  you can save time, money, and input in your crop protection practices.

Cropinno can monitor your crops continuously and alert you to the location of stress spots every 2-5 days.

We are able to alert you about water and health stress.


  • Health stress is defined as biotic and abiotic stresses including weeds, pests, disease, and nutrient deficiency. It can alarm you about the present or upcoming stresses.


  • Water stress is defined as the lack of proper irrigation that causes insufficient water in the leaves of plants.


To make it specific for your fields, you can submit your feedback on each zone and confirm or decline the detected stress, this will help you to increase the accuracy of your detections. This alert will be sent to your email and displayed on your cropinno profile.


Save time, money, and improve your productivity 

Managing all farming operations requires farmers’ energy, time, and money and at the same time monitoring the labor activities. Successful farmers are those who can manage their resources precisely, and apply smarter techniques for agricultural practices.

Stress Detection Alert will save you time in monitoring your fields, and instead of spending time on your whole fields to find agricultural issues and struggling with different satellite imagery, this service navigates you to go to the exact location of crop damage.

In addition, early detection of crop stress will help you to reduce inputs and as a result your production cost.  This is critical in the situation of the pandemic and war-induced inflation and supply shortage.

The war in Ukraine and COVID-19 outbreaks upset the balance of supply chains and surge input prices ( fertilizer and fuel) globally.

The fertilizer cost significantly increased in 2022 for example, urea, potash, and diammonium phosphate are more expensive than last year by 39%, 40%, 34%, and 78% increase, respectively(

Also farmers faced supply shortages for several popular herbicides such as glyphosate and glufosinate.


This situation is exacerbated for some countries that are struggling with drought too like Canada.  For the last two years, drought has been part of farming in the Canadian Prairies. Since the summer of 2020, there hasn’t been much rain, which has resulted in major moisture losses and drought conditions in most regions.


At this challenging time, using chemicals precisely and managing irrigation systems in a smart way are so important for farmers. By using stress detection alerts, farmers can apply fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides just in the spots that required more attention and detect spots with more water need even when there are no obvious symptoms of crop damage.

Our algorithms can alert you about upcoming stress to take action before any crop loss so that you can reduce your input costs and increase productivity.


4 Responses

  1. Marc Penond says:

    I think this will be the revolutional solution for the farmerd… Excellente solution..Super👍

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    Thanhks a million annd please keep uup the gratufying work.



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