Yield Increase by Precision Agriculture

There are many regions over the middle-east map where farming is the occupation for the livelihood of the majority of people; such as the region where “Behrouz” lives in as a farmer. The special geographical conditions and climatic diversity of that region have provided an extraordinary capacity for planting and cultivating various crops, & the growth of more than 1,200 plant species, of which 300 species have medicinal value. With more than 140,000 hectares of cultivated area and the possibility of producing some agricultural products twice a year, His province plays a special role in the economic development and the export sector of the country’s agriculture.

Behrouz has recently been harvesting wheat in the field. He signed-up and listed his 15-acre land in Cropinno just when the previous planting season (autumn) was about to begin. Since then, he & the operators have been using the over-map representation of plant indices, the graphs and comparisons to identify any non-uniformities, pest infections or weed that could have occurred at any time. They have also been in regular contact with our support team during this time, which all in all has really helped them to solve their usual problems on the field.

“Cropinno, as an AI system, works based on remote-sensing and satellite imagery analysis, it monitors and processes agricultural land data and provides useful information such as plant health, vegetation, plant moisture and display of non-uniformities over the farm, and all of these are accessible via the web or mobile application.”

The communications between the farmer and our team usually happens both through the user panel and through regular telephone calls with our specialists in the support department. Due to this continuous and trusting relationship, the farm is always under accurate monitoring to detect and deal with any non-uniformity or the emergence of pests such as aphids, or weed growing at any spot of the land. Thanks to the precise satellite data and the farmer’s accuracy in carrying out proper activities, fertilization was also done regularly and in the proper amount at all stages of wheat crop growth, and by identifying weaknesses or non-uniformities in terms of growth stage, more focus was given to specific zones.

Fortunately, this optimal management of wheat crop facilitated the processes through seed, growth and flowering stages, and while it reduced the farmer’s concerns about crop efficiency, it made a huge yield increase at harvest.

Pest Detection by Consecutive Field Monitoring

It is clear that the first step to achieve yield increase is to eliminate factors that may impair plant growth and processes that end up with costs for farmers. What can be seen in the pictures below is the decrease in the leaf area index of the field plants, which indicates their weakness and the possibility of stress. By reviewing and analyzing the periodic images (updated every 3-5 days) related to this index, it was determined that at some point in the growth of the wheat crop that a problem is occurring in some parts of the field. After warning the farmer about this issue, it only took him a field visit to the target areas to figure out that the field is about to face pest infection (aphids) and that it is necessary to take immediate action to prevent the spread of the pest and prevent potential damage.

Accurate agriculture combined with proper management!

Cropinno is an intelligent assistant which facilitates agricultural management processes and ultimately increases farming efficiency; But it should not be forgotten that real benefits come when farmer puts trust into the power of analytical and accurate data obtained from satellites that fly above the earth, and by using this data, along with their own experience & knowledge of agriculture, farmers can have proper supervision and accurate implementation of activities on land and crops.

Don’t know where to begin with precision agriculture? Cropinno, as your smart satellite/AI assistant, is just the tool you need (plus your own farming experience) to make things more efficient over your farm. Contact us now if you need more information, we will be happy to help you out!



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